The Way I See It..........

The Way I see the world is the way I live it
The Way I live it is the way World sees me.
So it all comes back to what we perceive the world to be.
It is the same as the question of half filled or half empty glass of water. It will be nice to know what we think of the ambiance that surrounds us in general. Do you realize that the way we see the world depend on where we are located. we are the product of our own surrounding. The shift in the surrounding or habitat will result in shift in the notions and opinions. The variety of culture and customs that has evolved over a number of years is the reflection of the habitat. This shows the beauty in the exactly opposite reaction to the same customs or habits in different parts of the world. As we go around the world the changes makes us global citizens. the true nature of a global citizen is to appreciate the culture of a place however different it is from their native culture. The world has millions of things to show and express. the beauty of the nature lies in its diversity. All the life forms has the inbuilt ability to imbibe all the diversity JustBcoz we are a part of the nature.
We tend to associate one aspect of a culture to represent the entire culture like
In an ideal world we would like to say ...
  • the policemen would be English
  • the car mechanics would be German
  • the cooks would be French
  • the innkeepers would be Swiss,
  • and the lovers would be Italian
And if you are in hell...
  • the policemen would be German
  • the car mechanics would be French
  • the cooks would be English
  • the innkeepers would be Italian
  • and the lovers would be Swiss
Ok not a scary picture but not rosy either for many.
As we know more about them we will start to appreciate them JustBcoz we are also part of them in some way - we all are CONNECTED
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