The BEGINNING.............
The beginning of JustBcoz
Human brain amasses millions of ideas every day. Some are lucky to swim across the vast ocean to get to the shore were they are picked and nurtured.
I was busy with my usual cores with thousands of thoughts playing Olympics in the delicate membranes of my mind. Suddenly like a dart the idea of writing Justbcoz materialized in my mind. It struck me immediately. I quickly finished whatever I was doing all the while thinking about it. The best part of it was that it was different like me. It is a matter of understatement. It felt like something that is always there in the every aspect of our life. The constant monologue kept me reminding that it was feasible interesting and more importantly different than what I was doing professionally. It presented me a chance to share everything that connects us It has the nectar of life. So here I am presenting to you my dear readers ....JustBcoz.
Like Stephen Hawking’s “Theory of Everything” JustBcoz will have everything without any limitations or constraints to celebrate the limitless life. It vows to give a glimpse of life in its totality. The writings here will be JustBcoz it is connected to life.
I assure you a pleasant read JustBcoz YOU are here!!!